Science outreach
Perimeter-SAIFR-IFT Journeys into Theoretical Physics (Sixth edition)
The school is aimed at outstanding undergraduates in their last year from all countries in Latin America. It is associated with a partnership between ICTP-SAIFR at IFT-UNESP and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and is also related to a joint international masters program between the institutes.
Group foto at the event, 20/Jul/2023. During July 17 and 23, I participated in the Perimeter-SAIFR-IFT Journeys into Theoretical Physics, where I was able to attend lectures on: "Introduction to Supersymmetry" (Dr. Nathan Berkovits), "Machine Learning for Quantum Matter" (Dr. Juan Carrasquilla), "Introduction to the Quantum Hall Effect" (Dr. Yin-Chen He), and "Open Problems in Particle Physics" (Dr. Ricardo Matheus). It was not only a wonderful academic experience, but also a cultural one, where I was fortunate to know and make new friends/colleagues from all over Latin America. |
RECA's internship
The “RECA Summer Internship Program” is a training program in scientific research in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology aimed at students from Colombian institutions. During a period of approximately 10 weeks, students will develop a research project supervised by scientists inside and outside Colombia.
May/2022. The internship at RECA was a perfect learning experience about the wonders of our universe and what is in it, allowing me to develop new skills to perform research of the highest quality in cosmology, through the execution of the project called "Hubble constant estimation from BAO signals with LSST-simulated data" which was funded by the LSST (Virtual Internship in Rubin/LSST Science to Provide Research Experience to Undergraduate Students in Colombian Institutions). |