Last update Nov 2024
The purpose of this portfolio is to organize the work I have done throughout the years, including published research and college projects. The content of these pages may include text, photographs, figures, and diagrams. Although I have been personal and academically challenged in many ways over these years, I believe that some of my skills have improved a lot, however, there are still many skills that I need to continue to work on and improve.
Submitted Publications
Sabogal, M.A., Silva, E., Nunes, R. C., Kumar, S., Di Valentino, E., & Giarè, W. (2024). Quantifying the S8 tension and evidence for interacting dark energy from redshift-space distortion measurements. arXiv:2408.12403. Accepted for publication in Physical Review D. | |
Giarè, W., Sabogal, M.A., & Nunes, R. C., & Di Valentino, E. (2024). Interacting Dark Energy after DESI Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurements arXiv:2404.15232. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. |
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sabogal, M.A., Akarsu, Ö., Bonilla, A., Di Valentino, E. & Nunes, R. C. (2024). Exploring new physics in the late Universe's expansion through non-parametric inference. Accepted for publication in EPJC (July 1). arXiv:2407.04223. | |
Cardona, W. & Sabogal, M.A. (2022) Holographic energy density, dark energy sound speed, and tensions in cosmological parameters: H0 and S8 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023(02), 045. | |
Oliveros, A., Sabogal, M.A. , & Acero, M.A. Barrow holographic dark energy with Granda–Oliveros cutoff Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 783 (2022). | Arxiv ,
Science outreach publications
Sabogal, M.A. Hubble constant estimation from BAOsignals with LSST-simulated data/Estimación de la constante de Hubble a partir de señales de las oscilaciones acústicas bariónicas con datos simulados del LSST (2024). Astrobitos en español (Spanish version of | |
Peer-Reviewed Publications (Outside Cosmology)
Sabogal, M.A. , Parra, I.C. , Bandera, M., Gallardo, J. , & Mejía-Cortés, C. Mobility of localized beams in non-homogeneous photonic lattices. IOP Publishing in Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1547, No. 1, p. 012023 (2020). | Arxiv , Journal |
College projects (Mostly in Spanish)
Sabogal, M. ,Oliveros, A. , & Acero, M.A. (2022). Cosmological analysis of the Barrow Holographic Dark energy using the Infrared Granda-Oliveros cutoff. | |
Sabogal, M. (2020). Disease spread model, considering first neighbors, second neighbors and immunization. | |
Sabogal, M. (2019). Simulation of a SRR'S one-dimensional array. | |
Sabogal, M. (2019). Simulation of a N-coupled oscillator system. | |
Sabogal, M. (2019). Waist dependence of a Gaussian beam on the propagation distance, and calculation of the diffraction patterns of a slit in the far and near field. | |
Sabogal, M. (2019). Profile analysis of a Gaussian laser beam. | |
Sabogal, M. (2018). Simulation of a two-dimensional shot in a closed contour with dispersers in the center. | |
Sabogal, M., Torres, H. , Bandera, M. & Gallardo, J. (2018). Simulation of a two-dimensional parabolic shot experiencing viscous friction. | |
Sabogal, M., Torres, H. , Bandera, M. & Gallardo, J. (2018). Simulation of two models of anharmonic oscillators. | |
Sabogal, M., Torres, H. , Bandera, M. & Gallardo, J. (2018). Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution for an ideal gas in a one-dimensional box. | |